Partner FAQs

Partner FAQs2021-04-04T19:40:08+01:00

Select an FAQ from the list below to read more about Brilliant Minds:

Is Brilliant Minds affiliated with a Government or Charity-led initiative?2021-03-31T15:41:25+01:00

We’re an independent CIC (Community Interest Company). That means we’re not bound by or affiliated with any one specific government initiative or charity, but instead simply work to further our goal of helping Neurodiverse people make use of the amazing opportunities, support, and services out there on offer through great Partner organisations like yours.

Is Brilliant Minds just a “Service Directory”?2021-03-31T15:31:57+01:00

No. We work closely with every one of the talented Neurodiverse jobseekers who move through our service, and continue to support them even when a role has been found. If we think your service is going to help improve the employability prospects of one of our jobseekers, we will work closely with them to navigate through the service, and continue to work with them afterwards.

What does it cost to be a partner with Brilliant Minds?2021-03-31T15:28:35+01:00

We offer a multi-tiered service, which lets you choose a level of engagement that’s right for you. We maintain a list of available partner services in general for which there is no cost to be on the list, but there may be charges if you want to work more closely with us to actively work with or integrate your services into ours. When you sign up to become a Brilliant Partner, our team will work with you to understand how to find the right balance for your organisation.

More questions?

If your question hasn’t been answered above, get in touch with us and a member of the team will be happy to help:

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