Employer FAQs

Employer FAQs2021-04-04T19:39:20+01:00

Select an FAQ from the list below to read more about Brilliant Minds:

What are the legal ramifications of working with talent from Brilliant Minds?2021-03-31T15:23:00+01:00

We don’t offer any guarantee or liability waiver for either employers or employees who made contact with each other through Brilliant Minds. The Neurodiverse people we put in touch with you and who fill your roles work in just the same way as any other hired employee or contractor. We do offer connections to legal support services to help resolve issues and disputes, and coach everyone we work with to ensure every placement is as appropriate, productive and happy as possible.

What is your fee / cost model like for hiring talent through Brilliant Minds?2021-03-31T15:21:07+01:00

We work on a series of tailored models to cover our costs in bringing amazing talent to your company. Depending on the type of support and form of employment offered, we work with competitive fees and rates which are applied fairly across the employment opportunities we fill. We continually level and benchmark our costs against the wider employment services industry to ensure we’re affordable and bringing real value to employers.

Is it unfair to make it easier for Neurodiverse people to find work?2021-03-31T12:18:25+01:00

No, because that’s not what we’re doing. When Brilliant Minds works with a Neurodiverse person to find meaningful employment, we’re not lowering the bar – we’re helping that person to have the same fair chance as everyone else to pass and exceed that bar. Every Neurodiverse person who finds employment through Brilliant Minds has earned the right to thrive in that role; our support just makes sure they don’t face unnecessary or unfair roadblocks along the way.

Are Neurodiverse employees cheaper?2021-03-31T12:19:05+01:00

No. Neurodiverse employees are not inferior, lower quality or less reliable than others. Neurodiverse employees simply learn, think and perceive the world around us differently from other people. As such, all Neurodiverse employees should expect to see a fair, equal compensation for their time and work – and at Brilliant Minds, we’re working hard to make sure that’s a reality for every Neurodiverse person in employment.

Do I need to make changes for Neurodiverse staff?2021-03-31T12:12:03+01:00

We believe that while there is no legal requirement to change to accommodate Neurodiversity, making some simple changes around the workplace can benefit both Neurodiverse and Neurotypical staff alike. By ensuring the way you work accommodates the needs of Neurodiverse people, not only will you be opening the door to a huge pool of talented potential employees, but you’ll also be making the workplace a better place to be for all your existing employees too. Check out some of our news articles and whitepapers to find out more about how you can make some small positive changes at work today.

More questions?

If your question hasn’t been answered above, get in touch with us and a member of the team will be happy to help:

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